Work Permit Dependant
Work Permit Dependant
This section explains if a work permit holder’s dependants are permissible to enter and stay in the UK under their work permit arrangements.
A dependant may be a wife, husband, civil partner, same sex partner, unmarried partner and child under the age of 18 years old. The dependant of a work permit holder may be confessed to the UK. They will be given circumstances of stay which do not place any limits, other than those that would apply to a resident worker, on employment or engaging in business. This usually applies when a dependant is granted more than 6 months leave. If they are granted less than 6 months leave they will not usually be allowed to take up employment. Any dependant children over 18 years old should apply on a separate form and pay the correct fee. The exceptions to this are the dependants of multiple entry and Sectors Based Scheme work permit holders who, if they wish to accompany a work permit holder to the UK, must qualify for entry in their own right under another category of the immigration rules.
Making an application
If you are overseas and you have been given a work permit you can then apply for entry clearance for yourself and your dependants. You will need to apply for entry clearance through visa services.
If you need to apply for further leave to remain for yourself and your dependants you should see the page on Further leave to remain and how to apply.